With the help of Diane Gardner (thanks Diane!) we found a great spot. It is just two miles from the PA turnpike, which is very accessible, has a Comfort Inn right at that exit, and has tons of restaurants and fast food choices!
Here is the workshop information:
Parkwood United Presbyterian Church
4289 Mount Royal Blvd.
Allison Park, PA 15101
(only 2 miles off of exit 38 from the PA turnpike, just north of Pittsburgh)
- Thursday, October 7th, 6-8:00 PM Crafty Wave Class*, Cost = $35
- Friday, October 8th, 9:00 - 5:00 PM, Cost=$125
- Saturday, October 9th, 9:00 - 5:00 PM, Cost=$125
* The Crafty Wave Class registration is restricted through September 7th to participants enrolled in either Friday or Saturday events. Starting September 7th, the Crafty Wave class will have open registration.
To sign up for Friday or Saturday, call Amanda at 352-394-7344. She will take your credit card information. You will not see a charge on your card until the minimum registration numbers are met. If you know you want to go, don't wait to call in! The sooner we meet that minimum the better!
Class content:
Thursday's crafty wave class topic will be announced closer to the class date. It will be one of her canvas projects. I get to pick which one, so suggestions are welcome!
Friday and Saturday will each have different projects, so you can sign up for both. They will follow a similar schedule: A canvas project in the morning will be followed with a water stroke demonstration, and the afternoon will be dedicated to a stroke study.
Stroke Study:
Last year we did a stroke study on leaves and ribbons. This year one day will be a stroke study on flowers and the other day will be something different, to be announced later. Thoughout the flower study Donna will show you how to arrange each flower she covers into a bouquet, which will be optional (you can practice-only if you prefer). I will help determine which day covers what, so if you have a strong preference for the flower study on a certain day, send me an e-mail.
That's the information I have for now! Spread the word!